Sunday, October 23, 2011

What's in a Name?

I've been wanting to start another Blog since beginning my journey into Business as Missions (BAM) a few months ago, but my main barrier to writing my first post was the name in the header.  I like to do things once and get it right the first time.  I wanted a name that was memorable and had meaning, but wasn't cliche'.  This evening, I sat down in front of my laptop and was determined to develop a name that met these simple goals.  Whether or not I accomplished this is open to debate, but I'm happy with the result: "6:33 Business".

Why 6:33 Business?

As I walk the path towards my current BAM opportunity, one verse in scripture keeps resurfacing over and over again.  As I begin to worry about health insurance or selling my house, this verse comes to mind.  As I leave my career of 17 years and sell most of my possessions, this verse comes to mind.  As I ponder the risks (and insanity) of moving my family to a country recovering from 15 years of civil war, this verse comes to mind.

Matthew 6:33 - "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well".  

When I hear of people going into missions, they generally come up with a "life verse" or a verse that is central to their mission.  I wondered, "How, considering all of scripture, am I supposed to narrow it down to one or two verses?"  I, once again, underestimated the Holy Spirit's willingness to smack me over the head with what I need.

I must remember, as I question my ability to succeed in the mission God is giving me, or question my business decisions, or question my worthiness to be used by Him, or question if I can provide what my family needs, that I need to "seek FIRST his kingdom and his righteousness".  I need to stop the worry and make certain that I am properly positioned in the center of His will.  He will take care of the rest.


  1. Saw someone RT your blog link. As a missionary to Liberia, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, & now an American college campus, I must say I love your term "Business as Missions" much better than the old "career missionary". Nice to meet you! Blessings!

  2. KLABER-
    Thanks for your comment! I am looking forward to arriving there in the next few weeks. It will be my fifth time in Liberia, but my first time as a long-term resident. I appreciate your prayers (especially since you have first-hand knowledge of what I'm getting into).

  3. This is awesome, Eric! I've been to Liberia 3 times and am looking to live there long-term as well. I just love those people and the ministry I've been working with. Looking forward to your updates, perhaps we can connect the next time I'm there! Also had to smile at you mentioning a career of 17 years, I'm at year 17 too and feeling the call to go serve there.

  4. Patrick-
    Thanks for the encouragement. I have visited Liberia four times since 2007 and have grown to love the people too. I will keep you in my prayers regarding God's path for you. Let's connect during your next visit!
